
Co-creation with our community is at the heart of Levenshulme Old Library and we often works with partners. These can be individuals, community groups, local businesses or organisations we collaborate with. 

If you are interested in working on a project with us, we have an experienced team who are always interested in discussing what we can do to help to bring your idea to life, whether by facilitating room hire, supporting funding applications or engaging with our local community. 

Guidelines for Partners

If you are a partner organisation, below are the key guidelines for how best to help us support your work.

  • We may request our partners allow to create photographs or footage of their activities. This will always be agreed in advance by a member of our team with a strategy for obtaining permission from participants before any images or footage are shared.  
  • Referencing where and what Levenshulme Old Library is can sometimes cause confusion. Levenshulme Old Library is a community arts centre housed in our neighbourhood’s former library building. We are not a library. There is a leisure centre in Levenshulme called Arcadia which now houses the area’s public library, but this is a different building and organisation from Levenshulme Old Library.  
  • We request that electronic and print media reference us as the ‘Levenshulme Old Library’ and uses our logo where appropriate. This enables us to promote your material effectively via our own channels.
  • You might want to include our postcode on your promotional materials which is M19 3QE. You can find us on Google Maps as Levenshulme Old Library CIO.
  • Below are the different versions of our logo.  We request that you maintain the aspect ratio when using these and avoid editing the logo.

For more information please see our booking policy and our terms and conditions.