Levenshulme Old Library Charitable Incorporated Organisation Equal Opportunities Policy
Scope of Policy
This policy is available to all our stakeholders with the following particular provisions.
All directors have been involved in developing the policy and are aware of and comply with its contents. Associates are made aware of the policy and are asked to confirm their willingness to abide by its content as part of their Associate agreement.
LOLCIO frequently works with disadvantaged and underrepresented groups, and uses this opportunity to gain feedback on our practice in relation to inclusivity, amending existing policies where appropriate.
External providers of services to LOLCIO are made aware of the policy.
We are committed to:
• promoting equality of opportunity for all individuals
• treating everyone accessing our services with fairness, respect and dignity
• promoting a good and harmonious working environment in which all individuals are treated with respect
• preventing occurrences of unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation
• fulfilling all our legal obligations under the equality legislation and associated codes of practice
• complying with our own Equal Opportunities policy and associated policies
• taking lawful affirmative or positive action, where appropriate
Working Practices
Responsibility for Equal Opportunities for LOLCIO as a whole is shared equally amongst Trustees. Responsibility within individual projects is assigned at the start of each project and will usually be the lead person for that project.
Promotion of the policy
The policy is promoted to all stakeholders of the organisation and is available on our website http://levenshulmeoldlibrary.org.uk
General communications
We incorporate the principles of Equal Opportunities into our general communications, advertising, bulletins and company literature.
Partnership working
At the start of any working relationship with partner organisations, or when we collaborate in ways such as to hire or exchange facilities, deliver services, choose premises, disseminate information and so forth, we discuss how this can happen in an accessible and non-discriminatory way. This usually includes a review of any potential issues, internal communications, and external promotion.
Positive discrimination
If we identify particular groups that we feel are underrepresented within specific projects, then where appropriate and lawful we will take steps to actively include those groups.
Monitoring and Review
We carry out evaluations of all projects both during and after completion. This enables us to assess our impact and identify development needs across a range of issues, including the type of groups and individuals we reach. Where our service is provided to organisations rather than individuals, we work with them and, where appropriate, the users of their services, to understand the particular needs and requirements of the communities in which we operate.
Any areas for improvement identified in the field of Equal Opportunities are noted and fed back to the Trustees as part of our regular review process, after which actions will be taken to address said issues.
We also subscribe to the Equality and Human Rights newsletter to ensure we keep abreast of any changes in legislation that could affect our policy and working practices.
Any of the above can be forwarded via the contact details provided on our website. Within individual projects, stakeholders can refer the above to the lead person on the project. They are also given an alternative contact point in case of any issue with the lead person.
Any person who believes that they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation is entitled to raise the matter formally through our Complaints Procedure. All complaints of discrimination will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially in line with that procedure.
This policy will be reviewed at intervals of two years to ensure it remains up to date and compliant with the law.
Trustees share overall and final responsibility for equal opportunities.
The Named Project Lead has responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice on location during projects and events.
Signed in hard copy by Jez Hall (Trustee). Dated 8/6/2018