Welcoming everyone back in 2022! We wish all our users a happy new year and we looking forward to seeing you at Levenshulme Old Library. If you overdid it a little over the festive season, then look out for our regular yoga and exercise groups to get back in shape. Or join one of the many parenting, arts and social activities. If you are looking to start a new group or activity then get in touch.

At a recent workshop before Christmas members of our community worked with Creative City to design some fab posters to go in our entrance hall. They bring a bit of cheer to the mid winter. Thanks to everyone involved (and note the sanitiser station).
We know that with the rapid increase in the Omicron variant many people will be feeling uncertain about mixing in public. We are doing everything we can to keep our building safe and following national guidance. Please wear a mask inside the centre, and regularly sanitise your hands. Lets make 2022 a great year for everyone.
Keep safe everyone. Stay creative.