As part of our Levolution! programme, we have a number of workshops and activities lined up, featuring creative writing, zines, banner-making, philosophy for kids and more.
Saturday 18th February, 7pm-9pm
The Voices of the People
A creative writing workshop themed around community. Free to attend but booking is essential. Book here.
Saturday 11th March, 10am-12pm
Zine of Protest
A zine-making workshop for kids and their grown ups
Saturday 22nd April, 10am-12pm
Protest Originals with Tony Gribben
Are you in one of the Levolution! photos? Come and recreate your protest shot with original photographer Tony Gribben.
Saturday 20th May, 10am-12pm
The Philosophy of Democracy
A fun and interactive philosophy workshop for kids and their adults
Saturday 3rd June, 10am-12pm
Banner-Making Workshop
For kids and their grown-ups
All of these are free to attend and everyone is welcome.